Science – Conscientiology
Conscientiology: The Science of Consciousness
Conscientiology is the term that was publicly proposed in 1981 by the Brazilian physician and researcher Waldo Vieira to define the new science devoted to the study of consciousness, which, among other terms, it is what is called by ego, soul, spirit , essence, I, individuality, personality, person, self and others.
For Vieira, conscientiology understands that the manifestation of consciousness goes beyond the physical brain and is independent of the human body. Therefore, conscientiology proposes the study of consciousness through a comprehensive approach, considering the holosoma, multidimensionality, bioenergy and the possibility that the consciousness has of producing a lucid and controlled out of the human body or astral travel.
The holosoma is the set of the four vehicles (bodies) used by the consciousness to manifest itself in different dimensions: the soma (physical body), the energosoma (holochakra, energy body, energetic body, etheric double, bioplasmic body), the psychosoma (astral body, emotional body, body of emotions) and mentalsoma (mental body, body of the discernment).
The physical body or soma, would be extinguished with physical death, after that, the consciousness manifest exclusively in extraphysical dimension employing its other bodies until, by natural forces or not, he or she reborn into a new physical body (reincarnation). Consciousness, therefore, would have multiexistential characteristics.
The multidimensional nature of consciousness is confirmed when he or she can experience the out of body experience phenomenon (projection of consciousness, astral travel, disconnection of the consciousness), so the person can manifest itself in a lucid manner in other dimensions of space and time beyond the physical dimension, using, during this phenomenon, the non-physical bodies that are your holosoma.
Besides being subjected to the basic forces of nature, consciousness also interacts through bioenergy (vital energy, prana, orgone, chi), with other consciousnesses, other living beings and with the environment. Through bioenergy, consciousness interferes and suffers interference from the environment (physical and non-physical).
Consciousness would be closely governed by a higher ethic that permeates the entire universe, called cosmoethics. The cosmoethics is not be limited to the concepts of “right” and “wrong”. It is driven by the evolution of consciousness, in any dimension of manifestation. So based on cosmoethics, one does not ask if an idea or action is right or wrong, but if it is in favor of the evolution of consciousnesses.
According to Vieira, the study of conscientiology based on these principles it constitutes the consciential paradigm, a new model of ideas, different therefore from the paradigm adopted by the traditional science. According to the author, the scope of the study is conscientiology is from the consciousness of the virus (the simplest form of consciousness) to Homo Sapiens Serenissimus, the most evolved consciousness existing on our planet.
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