Chris Totty (translator)
Wounds and emotional scars may be related to past life experiences
You may have had emotions such as love or antipathy at first sight, extreme and unexplainable fears, repetitive dreams about intense emotions or dreams about unknown content involving current personal experiences.
Psychology can clarify a good percentage of these phenomena, but when it comes to some striking personal experiences, especially for those who have undergone them, quite often personal intuition will lead to highly emotional and impactful experiences that have occurred in past lives. Is that possible?
In the following short article, I will try to clarify the theoretical and practical studies done by me on the subject. I want to emphasize that I have been a conscious projector since I was a child, and I’ve been a researcher of such realities for over 20 years.
Personal experience
My name is William and I have had out-of-body experiences that helped me connect the origin of some of my current feelings to experiences I went through prior to this human life.
Such experiences and studies inspired me to write a more in-depth article that I will summarize in this post.
I discovered and proposed, among other things, a cycle for the phenomenon known as emotional scarring or psychosomatic scarring. In this cycle I include the emotional wounds or emotionally striking events from the past (previous lives) to clarify the possible origins of intense emotions surfacing in the current life.
As this is a summary, I include below a schematic of this cycle on the creation of emotional scars:
Phases of the Psychosoma Scarring (Emotional Scarring)
What is the psychosoma?
Psychosoma (from Greek, psyckhé, soul; soma, body) is the non-physical (extraphysical) body that manifests in non-physical dimensions. It also allows one to have out-of-the-body-experiences because the psychosoma can detach from the physical body and manifest itself in another dimension.
The psychosoma is a body that is highly sensitive to emotional processes.
Specific characteristics of the psychosoma can explain the appearance of physical marks generated by emotional wounds and their healing process (VIEIRA, 2008, p. 282):
01. Composition. The composition of the semi-physical structure of the psychosoma includes 4 components known to science since the last century: elementary particles, photons (light), electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields.
02. Self-transfigurations. The psychosoma has the capability to self-transform itself allowing it, for example, to create extraphysical costumes.
03. Morphothosene. The psychosoma, essentially, is constituted by a thought-form or morphothosene due to its transfigurational property.
04. Thosenology. May be affected by the thoughts and feelings of the person per se and others.
05. Sensitivity. It is particularly sensitive to emotions, and it reacts and amplifies the emotions produced by the person.
06. Emotions. Considering items 4 and 5, the psychosoma is the vehicle responsible for the manifestations of the emotions (animality or instinctive reactions) coming from the consciousness, probably because it is more linked to the energosoma and the human body.
07. Wishes. As a result of items 4, 5 and 6, the psychosoma has the function of a para-body of the desires or para-emotional body.
08. Impossibilities. As a matter of fact, the psychosoma cannot experience any kind of pain, real injury, wound or accident, as occurs to the human body.
Example of a conscious projector meeting a relative in the extraphysical dimension. Both manifesting through the extraphysical body, the psychosoma.
But what is a psychosomatic scar?
Klein, 2019. Cicatriz do Psicossoma, Revista de Parapedagogia Special Edition
Proceedings of the III Symposium on Reeducation – October 2019.
The psychosomatic scar is the resulting mark from the very personal remission process of a previous psychosomatic wound, that had been created by the consciousness itself due to impactful events with a strong emotional load, capable of generating consciential interprisons or retro-stigmas in the most pathological cases, however, resulting in evolutionary consciential learning at the end of the healing process.
Logic indicates that there is a chronological structure in the genesis of psychosomatic scars, according to the phases proposed below:
1. Triggering event: any event experienced by the still immature consciousness, with a strongly negative emotional impact.
2. Wound: the creation of a mark as an emotional wound in the structure of the psychosoma.
3. Paracicatrization: usually a long wound healing process that can last for centuries or even lives; it can go through setbacks over the relevant period.
4. Scar: the final mark, characteristic to the scar in its final stage of remission, but still present in the structure of the psychosoma.
5. Learning: the disappearance of the psychosomatic scar by the vehicle’s energy remaking processes, regulated by the now mature consciousness that carries the evolutionary learning resulting from the process.
“What was very impactful in the previous life, remains as
a scar on the psychosoma of the consciousness. The mark
will show itself on the reborn person. A lot of people with backscars
exhibit some kinds of problems, or retro-stigmas.
Once a signigicant situation takes place, a stigma is immediately created in the person.
who will then be uncomfortably marked. The greatest goal
is to overcome the problem or stigma. The conscin should start by understanding the pathological context. Some people still excessively value such
past roots excrescences and this fact occurs because interprisonology is still active”
(VIEIRA, 2014a, v. Retrostigmatology).
The greater the emotional burden on the context is, the deeper and longer lasting the emotional scars will be, notably on the person per se.
During the healing process, the wounds are open or semi-open and setbacks may occur.
Gradually, wounds turn into scars due to personal learnings and the person subsequently matures. Due to ignorance, we deceive ourselves, and by deceit we learn (Roman proverb).
The psychosomatic scar is the ante-final stage of a specific evolutionary learning cycle based on the understanding and groupkarmic remission of all immaturities going on within the individual per se and then, it extends to the relationship with the evolutionary companions.
The final and last stage of the healing process is the total absence of psychosomatic scarring and the permanence of the learnings.
It is no use not living one’s life, hiding, or steering away from threats to avoid getting hurt (experiential avoidance, dirty discomfort). On the contrary, one learns to live by living, and one lives even
better when there are plenty of deep reflections. For what, one must learn to do, we learn by doing (Aristotle).
Humankind. Human life has its setbacks and complexities. Nevertheless, experience teaches us and, almost always, retention of the best learnings. is due to adversity and not to living a loafer’s life (VIEIRA, 2014a, v. atacadismologia). Calm sea doesn’t make a good sailor.
The best teachers are the ones with the most scars in the psychosoma, because they possess more experience and more evolutionary learning.
Live-learn-relive-relearn. Thereby, evolution marches forward with the consciousness rebutting themselves over the multimillennia. Self-experimentation is therapeutic.
A well-lived life is the one in which one lives by learning to live.
Is there any indication you have a psychosomatic wound in the process of healing? Do you already have a consolidated scar in your psychosoma? Have you researched the subject in depth? Have you been taking advantage of your personal experiences in order to really learn from them?
Você conhece as energias sutis que influenciam nossa realidade?
Até que ponto você, leitora ou leitor, admite que energias sutis, ainda não detectadas de modo adequado por instrumentos físicos, existem e determinam enorme impacto sobre sua qualidade de vida? Talvez você já admita essa realidade, ao menos do ponto de vista teórico. Mas o que dizer sobre as implicações práticas, imediatas e de importância para a saúde corporal, emocional e mental?
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Emotional wounds and traumas from other lives
Chris Totty (translator) Wounds and emotional scars may be related to past life experiences You may have had emotions such as love or antipathy at first sight, extreme and unexplainable
Feridas e traumas emocionais de outras vidas
Possivelmente você já teve emoções como amor a primeira vista, antipatia a primeira vista, medos intensos e inexplicáveis, sonhos com emoções intensas repetitivos e de conteúdo desconhecido quanto às suas vivências pessoais atuais.