Intermissive Course

Written by Paulo Freire and translated by Chris Totty

Feb 8, 2023.

Free consciexes (FC) have discarded the psychosoma and manifests themselves through mentalsoma only. Until we reach an evolved condition as a free consciex, we will continue to go cyclically through the resoma, human life, desoma and the period in between one human life and another, called intermission. 


It is during intermission (or intermissive period) that the consciousnesses, if lucid, evaluate their performance during the last life and then, they plan the steps for the next one. The more complex the life program (or existential program) is, the longer the intermission will be. It is also during the intermission period that a consciousness can access the parapsychotheca, more especially the holomemory archives which include records of past lives related to the consciousness. Through these accesses, the consciousness begins to get a better overview about the evolutionary process by analyzing the traits that have already been manifested and in which conditions they surface. This way the consciousness can relearn from their own mistakes and successes. As a consciex, it is also possible to perform interassistantial tasks, and participate in extraphysical teams who share the same objective. The consciex can also be qualified for the next resoma, studying pro-evolutionary themes, aiming/seeking to best fulfill the next existential program (proexis). 

In this case, depending on the balance of their Personal Evolutionary Record (PER)**, they may be invited to participate in the Intermissive Course (IC) or, in a preparatory course for the next life, where they will study topics that prioritize consciential evolution. Not all consciousnesses, when they desomate, realize their new evolutionary condition nor do they take in a lucid manifestation as a consciex. 

(** PER is composed of detailed information about the consciex’s performances during previous lives) 


Depending on the pattern of their own thosenic manifestations and their cosmoethics level, they can take time to awaken to this new evolutionary phase. Many of them might be attached to their pathological thosenizations themselves in baratrospheric (pathological) districts. By insisting on this condition and manifesting itself through anticosmoethical actions, the consciex can act as an extraphysical harasser. Under this condition and being unable to reflect and decide about their future based on lucidity and cosmoethics, the consciex can compulsorily resomate.

The Intermissive Course consists of a set of subjects taught in classes, according to previously designed programs, adapted to different levels of student progress during the intermissive periods of consciousness.

Thus, we as consciousness, often resomate and desomate until we are saturated with experiences that will help us catch a glimpse of other evolutionary levels or other ways of manifestation. Through the saturation of behaviors, the consciousness can decide to change the course of its evolution thus adopting more lucid and assistantial postures. 


In this process, the consciousness can implement a profound change in discernment and their evolutionary level, being guided now by more cosmoethical priorities, through important intraconsciential and existential recyclings. This new phase is called the Self-Evolutionary Turn. The self-evolutionary turning point is a profound change in discernment and evolutionary level of a consciousness; it covers the entire essential priorities of personal destiny. The most relevant is the one generated by the pre-resomatic Intermissive Course (IC). 

The Intermissive Course consists of a set of subjects taught in classes, according to previously designed programs, adapted to different levels of student progress during the intermissive periods of consciousness. There are reports of conscious projectors describing their experiences when visiting intermissive courses as visitors or as hearing students. Among these descriptions, the following extraphysical realities are mentioned:


  1. Educational institutions along the lines of universities in homeostatic extraphysical communities.

  2. Faculty of helper teachers, at different evolutionary levels.

  3. Body of resident parastudents.

  4. Resomant consciexes that simulate their next life in the theatrical rehearsal mode.

  5. Facilities of exact and functional duplicates of various human environments.

  6. Environments operating in the mode of self-reflection chambers where student consciexes reflect deeply about the consequences of their acts, traits and intraconsciential recyclings.

 Here are some topics of advanced intermissive courses classes:

  • Reconciliations

  • Parascientific and temporary excursions to other inhabited planets

  • Derepression expediting techniques

  • Lucid projectability

  • Useful parapsychism

  • Consciential energetic self-control

  • Healthy self-control of mesology

  • Dynamization of self-retrocognitions

  • Multidimensional self-awareness

  • Consolation task versus clarification task

  • Practical experiences of daily penta

If you want to know if you had an Intermissive Course, check if you have at least 5 of these characteristics or personality traits listed below (extracted and adapted from the Experiences test of your Intermissive Course, from the book 700 Conscientiology Experiments).


  • No philosophical or mortifying doubts during adulthood.

  • A sense of immortality, even in the condition of human consciousness.

  • Demonstrates motivation regarding maximum optimization of intraphysical life as to personal evolution, seeking discernment and knowledge.

  • Natural acceptance of the theory of existential series or sequence of intraphysical lives interspersed with intermissive periods.

  • Experience enlightening inspirations when choosing personal destiny.

  • Spontaneous self-motivation for research on charitable parapsychic practices.

  • Psychic-parapsychic self-perceptions through unforgettable and self-convincing phenomena.

  • Indefinite but persistent intuitions about some sort of existential program to be carried out, alone or in a group.

  • Experience coherent and enriching self-retrocognitions.

  • Self-conscious identification of the natural order of the Universe.

Intermissivist is the name given to a conscin who participated in an intermissive course. With the acquired knowledge, the consciousness can be structured in a more lucid way for the next resoma and also assume relevant roles within the evolutionary group where it will be inserted. One of the roles is to be a reference and exemplarist for the evolutionary group. More knowledge means more responsibilities. 


The more mature the intermissivist behavior is, the more it influences whoever is around and more predisposed. The intermissivists tend to act as a minipiece within the interassistantial multidimensional maximechanism; they tend to make a difference by improving the settings they are in. Do you think you could be an intermissivist? If so, how have you been using the resources you have received?

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Intermissive Course

Written by Paulo Freire and translated by Chris Totty Feb 8, 2023. Free consciexes (FC) have discarded the psychosoma and manifests themselves through mentalsoma only. Until we reach an evolved

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Author Paulo Freire  (Translator: Chris Totty) Jul 23, 2020 When consciexes take an intermissive course they engage in a study concerning their next human life as a means to elaborate

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