
Author Paulo Freire  (Translator: Chris Totty)
Jul 23, 2020

When consciexes take an intermissive course they engage in a study concerning their next human life as a means to elaborate a well structured program with a purpose for their next experience in this planet. Personal proexis (pro + exis) is a specific existential program for each intraphysical consciousness (conscin) focusing their new life in this human dimension. This program is thought out before the somatic rebirth (resoma) of the consciousness, while still as an extraphysical one (consciex) (Vieira, 2011, p. 9).

Here are 5 expressions that contribute to the definition and understanding of existential program:

  1. Existential goal.
  2. Intraphysical objective.
  3. Existential planning.
  4. Life project.
  5. Intraphysical task.

Not all consciexes attend an Intermissive Course before being reborn. It is estimated that there is a large number of non-intermissivist conscins on planet Earth. However, it is possible to generalize:


Even without having ever participated in an intermissive course, all conscins can better organize themselves in order to make the best of this human life. On the other hand, the intermissivist tend to effortlessly develop a sense of “life purpose” and responsibility for the quality of his existence. However, no one arrives at the intraphysical life holding a user manual containing all the information about the program that had been previously developed in order to fulfill their existence. Nor does one receive, after a few decades of intraphysical life, any written instruction regarding what they came here to do. Therefore, in order to identify clauses and achieve a good level of execution of the personal proexis, it is worth studying modalities, general and specific characteristics of the existential program. 

Mini-proexis (mini + pro + exis) is the minimum existential program; it is the simplest, the most basic and limited program (still receiving); it is dedicated specifically to individual issues (egokarma), within the groupkarma. It is evidently a minor evolutionary task (Vieira, Waldo. Verbet Miniproexis Encyclopedia of Conscientiology). If the miniproexis gets accomplished, it can bring up feelings of extraphysical euphoria to the consciex who is now more lucid and in the process of recovering cons (units of lucidity) in the extraphysicality. For this reason, the consciex is able to even comfort and unburden their former parents or accountable ones by sharing well-being and bliss with them.


Maxiproexis (maxi + pro + exis) is the maximum existential program; it is a broader, larger and more advanced program that will assist more people; it is consciously dedicated to the good of the community. It aims to accomplish the clarification task (claritask) as a universalism experience with the maxifraternity and paralawology based on evolutionary polykarma (Verbet Maxiproexis, Encyclopedia of Conscientiology). 

Maxiproexis is related to a leader-evolutionary conscin, within a specific libertarian, more universal and maxifraternal task of the groupkarma. In the assistantial task, the conscin serves as the human mini-piece; they are lucid and active within the maximechanism of the multidimensional team and they are imbued with greater interassistantial purposes – usually polykarmic ones. 

The execution of maxiproexis is characterized by the performance of claritask (clarification task) and the experience of conscientiological verpons (leading edge relative truth) favoring humanity and para-humanity. Maxiproexis are, in general, a group proexis, performed by more than one conscin who are connected to others through cosmoethical and consciential bonds.


As for the execution of proexis, human life can be divided into two technical phases:

  1. Preparation — this preparatory phase is the first one; it goes from rebirth to 35 years of physical age.
  2. Execution — secondly comes the executive phase which is from 36 to 70 years of average physical age.

In the preparatory phase, the conscin goes through the consciential basement and faces the formal schooling of the new terrestrial existence. Consciential basement is a phase of infantile and adolescent manifestation of the conscin, until reaching adulthood, characterized by the more primitive weaktraits of the multivehicular, multiexistential, and multimillennial consciousness (Glossary of Essential Conscientiology Terms). Still in the preparatory phase, the conscin is headed to a professional career, indispensable to its own economic and financial support without parasitism to other people, doctrines, companies or the State. 

In the executive phase, conscins must have already defined and set their path for rest of their life; they should be doing what they like to do according to the trinomial self-motivation-work-leisure; they should already be engaged and performing their personal existential task.

But how do we identify these tasks, clauses and goals of the proexis? Two techniques or formulas can assist in identifying existential program: the formula of personal traits and the formula of personal reciprocation. 

The formula of personal traits involves compiling a list of strongtraits, weaktraits and subsequent compilation of data, reaching a synthesis of the consciential traits of the interested party. 

Since each proexis is very personal, pertinent to the conscin and non-transferable, it is logical to infer that the identification of personal traits can say something about the proexological tasks to be performed by a certain person. For example, if several strongtraits related to writing and interassistantiality are identified, it would be logical to assume that these resources and skills have some relevant role in their proexis. Possibly these same resources and strongtraits make up some clause of their proexis, for instance, the writing of an assistantial work. This assumption associated with the conscin’s inklings, personal tastes and life’s context in which one is inserted, can compose and shape indicators of the proexological paths. 

In the technique of personal reciprocation, the conscin has to ask oneself the following question: “Am I giving back what I have received at the Earth school?” Using a great deal of self-criticism, the interested party will establish a comparison between intraphysical gains, meaning all that has been received in this human life, in relation to what has personally been given back (reciprocated). Personal reciprocation refers to all that you have ever given back, be it directly and personally, for the improvement of the realities of the Cosmos and its inhabitants. The balance between gains and reciprocation, before life, provides indicators for the proexis guidelines. 

A rational basis for this formula is linked directly by making an inference based on resources and contributions received by the intermissivist; these factors have a proexological meaning and they are not free or unrelated to the proexis. 

Apex (International Association of Existential Program) is a non-profit Conscientiocentric Institution (CI) on volunteer basis, without mystical, religious or political party connotation. Its main purpose is to research and educate about existential purpose, personal and group evolution, as of the consciential paradigm. How about you? Do you have any hunch about having outlined an existential program before resomating? If so, how have you been dealing with it in the light of this finding?


Vieira, Waldo. Verbet Miniproexis; Encyclopedia of Conscientiology; 9th Ed.; 2018. Available from: Access date: 11/16/2022.

Vieira, Waldo. Verbet Maxiproexis; Encyclopedia of Conscientiology; 9th Ed.; 2018. Available from: Access date: 11/16/2022.

Wojslaw, Eliane at all. Glossary of Essential Conscientiology Terms; 2nd Ed. 2018.


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Author Paulo Freire  (Translator: Chris Totty) Jul 23, 2020 When consciexes take an intermissive course they engage in a study concerning their next human life as a means to elaborate

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