At Reaprendentia, we aim at a better understanding of who we are, what we are doing in this life, how we can help others, and the role of learning in our personal growth. We work with the Consciential Paradigm, a paradigm where you, me, and every living being is a consciousness. Each of us, consciousness, uses a body (a vehicle) to interact. For example, the physical body allows us to interact with the physical dimension when we pick up a glass of water. We also have non-physical bodies, as it is the case of our energy body. Several cultures have indicated some level of understanding of non-physical energies, and many names were used to reference it, for instance, chi, prana, vital energy, and orgone. We, consciousness, can also have experiences outside the physical body, and interact with the psychosoma in that dimension. We will find numerous references and names assigned to this experience: astral travel, astral projection, and spiritual journey, and OBE, to name a few. To say that the consciousness can interact in multiple dimensions is to say that we are multidimensional. Another pillar of the consciential paradigm is the theory of multiple lives. The physical body has a limited existence and defines “one life” as we know it, in this physical dimension. The consciousness, however, does not cease to exist after the death of the biological body. We, consciousness, will live on, but in a non-physical dimension, until the next physical life. To say that the consciousness had many lives and that it will have many more is to say that we are multiexistential. Once we understand ourselves as a multidimensional and multiexistential consciousness, we can start thinking about how we can learn and grow in this context. Evolution of consciousness is a process that goes beyond one life and includes the complexity of past life experiences and past life relationships. Self-knowledge, questioning, reasoning, and personal experiences with other dimensions are key elements in this process. Studying oneself, researching the non-physical world, questions of life-and-death, destiny, karma, and spiritual life was often addressed by religion, mystical traditions, or occultism throughout history. Conscientiology’s proposition, however, is to study the consciousness with the scientific method and to set aside any form of belief, dogma, sacred concepts, or traditions. The physicalist/materialist paradigm that is prevalent in conventional science excludes non-physical phenomena, and often adopts the theory that we, consciousness, are a byproduct of our brain, language, and culture. The conventional paradigm aims to explain the universe in terms of physical matter and physical energy only. Therefore, conscientiology must be based on a different paradigm, which is to say that the foundation of conscientiology is different. The consciential paradigm includes physical matter and physical energy, but also includes consciousness and non-physical energies as essential elements to understand what happens with us and around us. At Reaprendentia we adopt the disbelief principle: Do not believe in anything.Experiment Have your own experiences. Conscientiology is a science of consciousness, and it aims at understanding the evolution of consciousness across many lives and many dimensions.