The rebirth-death cycle and past lives

Jaclyn Cowen

1. What is the rebirth-death cycle? 

The rebirth-death cycle is a cycle which all consciousnesses are bound to. It is a series of phases by which the consciousness is born (resoma), lives their life, dies, or deactivates their physical body (desoma), then experiences a period in the extraphysical or non-physical dimension, in a more subtle emotional body or psychosoma, before once again coming back to the intraphysical or physical dimension to begin a new life. 

This is also known as seriexis or existential seriality, and it is the series of intraphysical existences in which all consciousnesses alternate between one intraphysical life and another.

It is understood that we have had many past lives and will continue to have many future lives.

2. Why do we need to go through it? 

The consciousness, also known as the soul, ego, intelligent principle, which is you, me, and all living beings on this planet and beyond. It is understood that we as a consciousness need to be reborn in the physical dimension and have experiences there, life after life, in order for us to develop and grow, master our four different vehicles (soma, energosoma, energosoma, mentalsoma), improve our relationships with others, fulfill certain life tasks, and essentially to evolve. It is understood that the intraphysical dimension provides an opportunity for consciousnesses of different evolutionary levels to interact together enabling the healthier ones to assist the sicker ones.   

3. What happens during resoma?

Resoma, or reactivation of the soma, is when the consciousness in the psychosoma, who was previously in the extraphysical dimension, begins to manifest once again in the intraphysical dimension and energetically attaches itself to the newly conceived embryo, therefore receiving a new physical body. This change of dimensions results in a rapid loss of lucidity and awareness, known as intraphysical restriction. Therefore we forget everything and start to slowly recover our attributes and abilities over our lifetime.

4. What happens during desoma? 

At the end of our life, we go through another strong transition, that of desoma, or deactivation of the physical body. In this phase, the physical body is left behind with part of the energosoma, and we experience a final projection in our psychosoma, in which we no longer return to our former physical life. It is understood that the more we are able to understand that we are just changing dimensions and don’t actually die, as the consciousness is ‘eternal’, the more we are able to treat this phenomena in a natural and calm manner. We don’t really leave anyone. If someone close to us goes through desoma, perhaps we might not see them for a period of time but eventually we will meet them again. And of course we can have the opportunity to interact with our loved ones through a lucid projection.

5. What is the intermissive period? 

When we go through desoma, the consciousness will spend a period of time in the extraphysical dimension, also known as the intermissive period. We may have the opportunity to participate in certain activities which will help us to prepare for our next upcoming life, also known as an intermissive course.

After this we go back to the intraphysical dimension with a new physical body to start the cycle again…

6. How can we validate seriexis as true? 

We have experienced many past lives which alternate with intermissive periods. One way that we can prove to ourselves that seriexis exists is of course applying the principle of disbelief and seeing if these ideas have logic to you which can also be an indication of having partaken in an intermissive course, as this is one of the topics that is taught there. 

In addition, you can apply the principle of disbelief by trying to have your own experiences and recall your past lives or even the period between lives when you were partaking in an intermissive course. 

7. What is this phenomena of past life memories?

A past life memory, or retrocognition, is when the consciousness accesses their holomemory inside the parabrain of their psychosoma, which stores all the memories of their lives. There are a number of techniques that you can use to have a retrocognition by yourself without anyone else involved. This includes building a retrocognitarium or creating a room which is filled with objects and memorabilia from a specific time period in which you think you were connected. Then, with your eyes closed, try to relax and allow yourself to access past life memories. Or there is the lucid projection, by which you project from your body and then focus on trying to have a retrocognition. 



    Quando ressomamos (reativamos um soma, renascemos), estamos tendo mais uma...