What is self-knowledge?

by Fabiana Cerato,

architect and volunteer


Self-knowledge is the knowledge about ourselves, about our personal reality. It is structured around knowing how to value, accept, and understand qualities, desires, ambitions, limitations, and life goals, in order to reorganize life based on optimized, assertive, evolutionary and universalist choices.


  “To know yourself is to turn the hand of the clock to yourself, analyzing actions, reactions, manifestations, thoughts and sensations that come from daily experiences”

Investing in self-knowledge is designating efforts to study yourself, in all areas that make up your personality, developing a deep understanding of your own universe, of who you are, identifying your qualities, abilities, and goals in life.

Self-knowledge calms expectations, brings balance and maturity. I listed below 5 benefits and effects of practical application of self-knowledge:

1. greater awareness and clarity, to control emotions and behavior;

2. greater self-understanding, to set goals towards self-fulfillment;

3. greater acceptance and recognition of one’s qualities and abilities;

4. greater understanding of people;

5. Greater empathy.


You might wonder:  “Where do I start, or how?”


You can start by understanding that there are institutions, foundations, associations and scientific areas specialized in self-knowledge with a variety of paradigms. Acquiring a new paradigm is the basis for new learnings. 

 Paradigm is basically a model for interpreting reality. This means: guiding what we think, feel, value and the way we act. It is the lens with which we look at the world.

The traditional, physicalist paradigm, shows that we are confined within the human body, this affects the understanding of our entire life. For example, our health, we think that it is enough to eat well and exercise to be healthy. 

The conventional paradigm is characterized by the thoughts that we have, normally these thoughts are comfortable, we are used to them.

Breaking a paradigm is a challenge, regardless of how it is structured.

There are different types of paradigms: Mystic, Religious, Artistic, Philosophical, Scientific, Consciential.

Do you consider the existence of bioenergies, life after death, reincarnations, spiritual insights, phenomena beyond the physical aspect of your everyday life?

If your answer is Yes, this article is for you. The path to self-knowledge will inevitably pass through paradigm expansion.

The Consciential Paradigm was created, by Vieira, W. (Conscientiology founder), from the interpretation of human reality, fully perceived, in an integral way.


“Conscientiology studies, in an integral, holosomatic, multidimensional, multimillennial, multiexistential way, the individual according to his actions and reactions to immanent energy (EI) and consciential energy (CE), as well as in their multiple states of thosenic manifestations”. (Waldo Vieira, 1994).


The Consciential Paradigm approaches consciousness from these 7 pillars:

1. Holosomatics: Admits the existence of the holosoma (holo + soma), a set of bodies that the consciousness uses to manifest itself.

2. Bioenergetics: Assumes the lucid application of bioenergies through the energosoma (energy + soma: energy body formed by the set of chakras).

3. Multidimensionality: The consciousness manifests in multiple dimensions, each body manifests in one dimension. This can be experimented with a lucid projection, astral projection or even lucid dreaming.

4. Seriality: The consciousness is a multiexistential personality experiencing multiple human lives, cycles of rebirth.

5. Cosmoethics: The moral philosophy, the cosmic morality – a principle broader than human morality.

6. Universalism: a set of ideas derived from the basic laws of Nature, the Universe and the Cosmos.

7. Self-experimentation: Structures the research on consciousness from self-experimentation, self-knowledge, with Projectiology being the basis for understanding multidimensionality and extraphysical experiences.


We have emotions, bioenergies, parapsychic sensations, parapsychic perceptions, different bodies of manifestations for each of these dimensions to consider. 

We are not just physical, we manifest beyond the physical dimension.

Welcome to your own self-knowledge.
