Bioenergy, or subtle energy, is a non-physical active principle that permeates the universe. Throughout history, many names have been used to reference this non-physical substance, its properties, and its effects such as vital energy, mesmeric energy, qi (or chi, 氣, a central concept in Chinese medicine and in many philosophies), prana, orgone, material energy, and life force.
We have an extraphysical (non-physical) body that is composed of bioenergies – the energosoma. This body, or vehicle, has been referenced by many names as well: subtle body, etheric body, luminiferous ether, pranamaya kosha, vital body and many other names.
Bioenergy imprints and communication
We, consciousness, use bioenergies as a medium to communicate and interact with other consciousnesses, and we leave bioenergy imprints wherever we go. Both the imprinting and the communication can happen with varying levels of awareness. This means that you can participate in energy-based communication and be completely unaware that it is happening.
At certain times, we can feel the interaction and influence of the bioenergies very clearly and in other moments we may not feel the bioenergies at all. The influence of the bioenergies, however, is always there, even when we don’t feel them. Additionally, the effects of the bioenergies, positive or not, are felt by everyone.
Our thoughts have an effect in our energy body. Every time we think, we imprint that thought in our energies. The same happens when we experience a sentiment or emotion: they get imprinted in our energies.
Consciousness manifestation
The changes in the bioenergy caused by thoughts and sentiments are the basis of telepathy, the phenomenon where you receive information from someone without using any physical means such as your voice or gestures.
Telepathy can explain for example why you think of someone, apparently at random, and you receive a phone call from that person a few seconds later. The other person was probably thinking of you when she picked up the phone and initiated the call. Her thinking was imprinted in her energies, those energies travelled to you with that information, and those energies induced you to think about her before the phone rang.
In the consciential paradigm, the name given to the amalgam of thoughts, sentiments and energies is thosene, a term formed by the initial letter or letters of each component (tho + sen + e). A thosene is the basic unit of manifestation of the consciousness.
Access to extraphysical dimensions
Mastering bioenergies and understanding how they work will allow you to understand what is happening around you in the extraphysical dimensions. It will also help you to identify when your thosenes are influencing someone or when you are being influenced by various patterns of bioenergy.
For many, the clear and objective perception of bioenergy is the first contact with the extraphysical dimensions. Bioenergies can be felt in the day-to-day routine, enrich your daily life with additional information, and accelerate the learning process that make us evolve as a consciousness.
Vitalization of the physical body
Our energy body vitalizes every cell of our physical body and it is part of our integral health. Several alternative medicine initiatives target this vehicle of the consciousness, with the aim of promoting physical health, by achieving energetic balance.
A fundamental step in energy body health is to unblock your chakras (click for more on this). A technique called the vibrational state can be used to achieve an unblocked state of the energosoma.
Energies carry thoughts and emotions, and the quality of our thoughts and emotions will determine if the energies are productive or not for our evolution.
Thoughts, sentiments and energies can accumulate in places and objects and influence us. In conscientiology, the word holothosene is used to describe such accumulation of energies. We can use a food analogy to understand holothosenes: the food is the energy and the thoughts and sentiments would give its “taste”.
Influence from external fields of energy
As an example, think about the holothosene of a library, where the main activity is to learn and study, and compare it to the holothosene of a basketball stadium, where professional games take place.
The typical thosenes produced in each of those two places are significantly different. At the stadium, people would normally root for a team and have emotions of happiness, sadness, and anxiety during a game, so the holothosene would be around sports and competition.
In contrast, let’s say that the library belongs to a philosophy college. Students would read about existential issues, logic, reasoning etc. thus imprinting a pattern that is stronger in the thought part of the holothosene, and with the sentiment component less connected to sports and competition.
If you try to study in the basketball stadium, the holothosene would be constantly giving you an input of agitation that is typical in a game, even if the stadium is empty and there is no game going on. Your energy body naturally reads the input of the holothosene and most people tend to process it unconsciously.
We cannot say that it would be impossible to study in a stadium, however, understanding that an energy input that is not conducive to studying is present, and trying to create your own energy bubble with the study holothosene can help significantly.
In this very simple example, the conclusion is that if we are aware of the energy influences around us and if we manage this influence by using our own energies, it will make it easier for us to achieve what we are aiming for.
Changing thoughts
While the example above is a very simple one, we can extend this logic to more complex situations and think of the holothosene as having “inertia”. In physics, inertia is the tendency of an object to stay in motion if it is in motion and to stay still if it is not moving. Inertia is what makes it hard to push a car in the beginning, when it is stopped, and easier to keep it moving once it started to move.
Holothosenes can help you maintain good habits once you get it going. You may need some extra energy to break the “inertia” and build the holothosene that supports that habit. Once you create that holothosene, keeping the habit becomes easier.
On the flip side, holothosenes can make it harder to break patterns of thought and emotion that have been reinforced over time. Working with energies is an important way to support personal changes; it is a tool to accelerate the changes in the energetic environment around you.
In this context, we can ask:
- What is the holothosene of my house?
- What is the holothosene of my workplace?
- To what extent do these holothosenes influence me?
- What is the evolutionary consequence of this influence?
- What is the quality of the thosenes I generate in the places that I go?
- Do I tend to “pollute” or “cleanse” places with my thosenes?
What’s Next?
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